You just have to indicate the start URL and the software can do its job on its own.
Multithreading. Multiple web sides can be scanned simultaneousely. You can use your full band with.
Unlimited size of the lists. URL- and email lists of several million elements are possible.
Easy to use.Smart because of our outstanding "Smart Search Mechanismus". You'll find twice as many email addresses in the same time.
Integrated self defending mechanism which recognizes websides which contain non valid email addresses intentionally or can generate these dynamically.
Fast.Queries of search engines is possible.
Graphical display of the found email addresses.
Limited segmentation of the email addresses is possible.
Scan behaviour fully adjustable.
Project based. You can stop the product anytime you want and contine at a later time. Several projects can be accomplished at the same time.
Help is available.
Time steered backup possible.
Doubled domainnames or email addresses will be ingored.
Labels: Online
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